

Blood pressure variability

BP was measured during HD through a timed automatic blood pressure instrument utilizing the oscillometric principle on HD machine (The Gambro Artis® System) and recorded on natural scale. Intradialytic BP data were collected 3 months after the start of HD because BP fluc- tuations may be high immediately after the start of HD owing to dry weight probing and medication changes. We examined 12 dialysis sessions per patient for 4 weeks and recorded BPs five times at 1-hour intervals for each session. BPV was assessed using residual standard deviation derived from the linear regression model.That is, we made a simple linear regression formula from intra- dialytic BP data and calculated residuals by difference between the expected and the actual BPs at each time. And then, we obtained BPV from standard deviation of residuals. Patients were divided into two groups accord- ing to their intradialytic BPV level above or below the median value and analyzed.



在 HD 期间,通过定时自动血压仪器在 HD 机器(The Gambro Artis® System)上利用示波原理测量血压,并以自然比例记录。 HD 开始后 3 个月收集透析中 BP 数据,因为在 HD 开始后,由于干重探测和药物变化,血压波动可能立即很高。 我们检查了每位患者的 12 次透析,为期 4 周,并以 1 小时的间隔记录了 5 次血压。 使用从线性回归模型导出的残差标准差评估 BPV。也就是说,我们从透析中 BP 数据制作了一个简单的线性回归公式,并通过每次预期 BP 与实际 BP 之间的差异计算残差。 然后,我们从残差的标准差中得到BPV。 根据透析中 BPV 水平高于或低于中值,将患者分为两组并进行分析。


2.“我们从透析中 BP 数据制作了一个简单的线性回归公式,并通过每次预期 BP 与实际 BP 之间的差异计算残差。 ”这个简单的线性回归公式文中没有?预期BP与实际BP之间的差异是啥意思?

